Visiting Scientists- Dr. Bert Pots, Dr. Bernard Tribollet and Stephen Smith
This fall ICMT hosted a number of leading scientists. They have shared their extensive knowledge with the ICMT students and staff, covering different aspects of corrosion through a series of lectures and advising sessions.
Dr. Bert Pots visited ICMT for the fourth year in a row and stayed in from September 15 – November 15, 2015. As a Senior Research Fellow at the ICMT, Dr. Pots was again engaged in an advisory role with the ICMT students and staff. Dr. Pots is an internationally recognized materials and corrosion expert. Currently he is a Director of Bert Pots Corrosion Consultancy, providing services for Shell operating units in the UK and The Netherlands, as well as BP Exploration Operating Company.
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Bernard Tribollet visited the ICMT for the second year. He held a series of lectures related to application of electrochemical methods, with a focus on EIS. He also consulted with the ICMT staff and had individual advising sessions with the students. Dr.Tribollet is a Director of Research Emeritus at the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” (CNRS) in the “Laboratoire Interfaces et Systèmes Electrochimiques” (LISE) at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris.
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Stephen Smith – Professor Smith, held a week-long seminar in October 2015 covering the Basics of Petroleum Engineering. Professor Smith, a NACE Fellow, has worked for ExxonMobil for many years. Since retiring he has been a consultant to several major oil and gas production companies, as well as an advisor to graduate students on research work associated with corrosion mechanisms.
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