Spring 2017 CC-JIP Advisory Board Meeting
March 21st & 23rd saw the ICMT host the sponsors of the CC-JIP advisory board meeting. Representatives from Baker Hughes, BP, Chevron, Clariant, CNOOC, ConocoPhillips, DNV, ExxonMobil, Oxy, Shell, Sinopec and Wood Group attended or participated online. The technical sessions on day 1 began with research updates on sour corrosion, transitioning to sweet corrosion. The focus of day 2 was corrosion inhibition, with final presentations on microstructural effects and mechanical characterization relating to corrosion product growth/adherence; attendees also previewed the posters ICMT's MS and PhD students will be presenting at NACE2017. The meeting concluded on day 3 with an update on Multicorp development followed by a training session.
Guest lectures were conducted by Sytze Huizinga H2S fugacity and other non-ideal influences on corrosion and Brian Kinsella, Advances in understanding inhibition of CO2 corrosion. Brian, currently affiliated with Curtin University, was previously a Stocker Visiting Professor at Ohio University.