ICMT is pleased to announce that Dr John Scully has selected our paper Determining Critical Micelle Concentration of Organic Corrosion Inhibitors and its Effectiveness in Corrosion Mitigation.
as his editor's choice open access article from the current issue of Corrosion. The work described therein constitutes a core component of first author Negar Moradighadi's doctoral research, featuring contributions from then undergraduate researcher Starr Lewis and recent ICMT alum Juan Dominguez Olivo.
As a rule-of-thumb, critical micelle concentration (CMC) of a surfactant corrosion inhibitor has been considered as an important indicator of its corrosion mitigation efficiency. In our paper, we describe the synthesis, characterization and CMC determinations for a range of benzyldimethylalkylammonium model compounds possessing tail lengths ranging from C4 to C16; surface tension (indirect) and fluorescence spectroscopy (direct) methods were employed for micelle detection, the latter demonstrating weakness compared with the former for CMC determination. As shown in the below Table 5 from the paper, no clear correlation between CMC and maximum inhibition of the corrosion rate was observed in a CO2 containing aqueous environment.