The Corrosion Center Joint Industry Project (CC JIP) semi-annual advisory board meeting was conducted as a hybrid "in-person & virtual" format from the ICMT.
This was our first in-person meeting since October 2019, so it was very nice to see everyone for face-to-face discussions again.
At the meeting "in-person" were 9 representatives from 7 sponsoring companies and we had an additional 15 representatives who attended the meeting virtually, so that 11 of our 13 sponsoring companies were able to be in attendance.
During the 2 & 1/2 day event, there were 21 presentations covering research related to fundamental corrosion mechanisms, water chemistry, sour corrosion, factors in localized corrosion, inhibition mechanisms, modeling, and a new research proposal related to supercritical carbon dioxide corrosion.
The recorded presentations are available on our secure server for members of our sponsoring companies to review at any time.