The Corrosion Center Joint Industry Project (CC JIP) Advisory Board Meeting was held on October 2, 3, & 4th and was attended by 29 company representatives from 17 of our sponsoring companies and two companies planning to join the CC JIP.
Guest presentations during the 2 1/2 day seminar included "Non-classical nucleation kinetics and iron sulfide corrosion" by Dr. David Rickard (Cardiff University, Wales) and "Topics from Corrosion and Multiphase Flow" by Dr. Bert Pots (Corrosion Consultant, The Netherlands). Both presentations provided perspectives and information on research topics relevant to the CC JIP and were highly applauded by all in attendance.
Twelve graduate students reviewed their current research through presentations and discussion sessions; presentations were considered by sponsors to be of high quality. [These presentations and the minutes of the meeting are available for sponsoring company representatives to download directly from the ICMT secure website.]
The next meeting will be held March 11-13, 2013, in Athens, Ohio.
ICMT Students, Faculty and Staff picured with the 2012 Advisory Board Members in front of the Ohio University Human Resources Center