The Corrosion Center Joint Industry Project (CC JIP) Advisory Board Meeting was held on October 15-16. It was attended by 26 representatives from our 15 sponsoring companies. Guest presentation was on “Brine Chemistry and Scale Control” delivered by Dr. Mason Tomson from Rice University, Houston, Texas. The presentation provided perspectives and information on research topics relevant to the CC JIP and were highly applauded by all in attendance. Eleven graduate students reviewed their current research through presentations and discussion sessions. Presentations were considered by sponsors to be of high quality. The next meeting will be held in March, 2014.
The Top of the Line Corrosion Mitigation Joint Industry Project (TLC Mitigation JIP) Advisory Board Meeting was held on October 14. Guest presentation was on the “Field Experience” by the ICMT visitor Dr. Bert Pots. Five graduate students and two project leaders delivered their presentations. The two new students that recently joined ICMT and this project were introduced.
The Water Wetting Joint Industry Project (WW JIP) Advisory Board Meeting was held on October 17 – 18. Three graduate students delivered their presentations and two new students assigned to the project were introduced. Overview and closure of the Water Wetting JIP Phase II was given, as well as introduction to the Phase III.
The Naphthenic Acid Corrosion Joint Industry (NAP JIP) Advisory Board Meeting was held on November 6 – 7. Eighteen representatives of the eleven sponsoring companies attended the ABM either in person or on-line discussing and analyzing the latest results as they were presented by the ICMT project leader and graduate students. The ICMT staff presented also to the sponsors an updated version of the proposal for the NAP JIP Phase II (a continuation of the current project for three more years). The sponsors showed interest in continuing this research work and decided in agreement with the ICMT staff, to have an overview and closure meeting for NAP JIP 1 and a kick-off meeting for NAP JIP 2 next year, in March at NACE 2014 International Conference.
[These presentations and the minutes of the meeting are available for sponsoring company representatives to download directly from the ICMT secure website.]