The Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology will launch a new research
activity in the middle of 2012 on the topic of Top of the Line Corrosion Mitigation (TLC Mitigation JIP). Building on its extensive laboratory and
field experience in sweet (CO2) and sour (H2S) TLC, the ICMT will develop this new project around the following objective: to
investigate the efficiency of non-standard methods in inhibiting the corrosion at the top of the line in both sour and sweet environments. Strongly
sour environments will also be a primary focus in this new JIP, as the mechanisms of corrosion are still not well understood. These non-standard
techniques will include the use of volatile chemicals and the study of droplet transport, as well as innovative methods involving different carriers
(such as the foam or gel), using the unique facilities of the ICMT (glass cell, autoclave, flow loops). In the interest of enhancing the scope of
the proposed research, the ICMT intends to explore a collaborative approach that will draw additional support not only from other academic experts
in the field but also from the chemical inhibitor industry. Once these new areas of research are well understood, the TLC prediction software
TOPCORP will be improved accordingly. Sponsorship of this project is still open to interested companies until June 2012. Please contact Marc
Singer ( for more information.